Viltrox 56mm f1.7 vs Fujifilm 50mm f2

In this blog I will compare the Fujifilm 50mm f2 with the Viltrox 56mm f1.7. As you read this comparison, please keep the following in mind… the Viltrox is $140 while the Fuji is around $450 retail… over 3 times the cost. This comparison will be from a more holistic perspective and we will not be getting into technical specifics. For a more detailed review on each lens please see their respective blogs below:


The first similarity is the compact size and light weight. Although one is a little wider and the other a little longer, fundamentally they are pretty much the same. Both have objectively good image quality and both are fairly fast thus suited to low light photography. Although there is a 0.3 difference in aperture, it’s so insignificant that it might as well be the same.


The first major difference is the price. The Fuji is $310 more expensive and for many people that will be a big deciding factor. With that said for an item you plan to use frequently and keep for many years, I don’t think it’s a crazy difference. Certainly not as crazy as comparing the Viltrox to the Fuji 56 1.2 that I did here. The next major difference is the build with the Fuji being all metal with weather sealing and an aperture ring. The Viltrox has none of that although it does have a metal mount. Earlier I mentioned that the image is objectively good on both and that still stands if shooting at around f8 in good light. The moment you start pushing these lenses, the Fuji is the clear winner. Also the Fuji has better colour & contrast rendering while being sharper throughout the aperture range. Finally the Fuji has a much better autofocus system that is quicker, more accurate and precise. No competition there.

Why pick the Viltrox

The main reason one would pick the Viltrox is due to the price. Although a $310 saving is not life changing, it’s still a lot of money and for many people is a big enough reason alone. The second reason is you want something cheap as a backup or to experiment with this focal length before committing to a more expensive option.

Why pick the Fuji

The main reason you’d pick the Fuji is if you want a better lens in every single aspect and you plan to use this focal length a lot. Personally I would recommend the Fuji especially if you get it on a sale or in good used condition.


If money is an issue or you’re not sure if a telephoto prime is for you, I suggest grabbing the Viltrox. Equally if you don’t care for the metal build, aperture ring or weather sealing, the Viltrox makes more sense. On the other hand the Fuji will give you an overall better experience and image quality so I would recommend it to most people even if they have to get it used or wait for a sale.

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GearRoman Fox