The BEST Fujifilm Recipes - Street & Travel Photography

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’d know that I always shoot raw and edit myself later in Lightroom. Although I have dabbled with Fujifilm JPEGs now and then, I have never gelled with the experience or the results. That is until now.

Between getting the XT3 back in 2018 and picking up the XT5 last year, Fujifilm have added more film simulations and setting. To the point where I am now starting to get results I am happy with straight out of camera. In this blog I will share with you 5 recipes that I have put together over the last 6 months. These recipes are great for street and travel photography.

General Info

Before we get going I just want to say that these were developed on the Fujifilm XT5 using the latest firmware. If you’re on the latest generation cameras, then I am pretty sure it will 100% carry over. However if you’re on older cameras, then some features might not fully carry over. All the photos you see going forwards have not been edited and are 100% straight out of camera. The only editing has been cropping and fixing geometry where required. As for exposure, the recipes are designed for 0 exposure compensation however adjust it as you see fit. It will change from scene to scene.

Finally you might be asking… What’s the catch? Why are you sharing this for free? Well, there is no catch. If you find this helpful and perhaps want a similar look on your RAW files (Any camera brand), then I suggest checking out my presets below. Getting a copy of these (or any other digital product) is the best thing you can do to support this blog and me continuing sharing free information.

Recipe 1 (Warm) - Soft, Warm, Low Contrast, High Dynamic Range

  • Film Simulation - NOSTALGIC NEG

  • Mono Colour - NA

  • Grain - STRONG LARGE

  • Colour Chrome - WEAK

  • Colour Chrome FX - WEAK

  • Smooth Skin - OFF

  • White Balance - AUTO

  • White Balance Shift - R1 B-1

  • Dynamic Range - NA

  • D Range Priority - AUTO

  • Tone Curve - NA

  • Colour - 4

  • Sharpness - -3

  • Clarity - -3


Recipe 2 (Vibrant) - Soft, Neutral, Saturated, Neutral Contrast, Neutral Dynamic Range

  • Film Simulation - VELVIA

  • Mono Colour - NA

  • Grain - STRONG LARGE

  • Colour Chrome - WEAK

  • Colour Chrome FX - WEAK

  • Smooth Skin - OFF

  • White Balance - AUTO

  • White Balance Shift - R1 B-1

  • Dynamic Range - NA

  • D Range Priority - AUTO

  • Tone Curve - NA

  • Colour - 3

  • Sharpness - -3

  • Clarity - -3


Recipe 3 (Punchy) - Filmic, High Contrast, Low Dynamic Range, High Key, Warm

  • Film Simulation - CLASSIC NEG

  • Mono Colour - NA

  • Grain - STRONG LARGE

  • Colour Chrome - STRONG

  • Colour Chrome FX - WEAK

  • Smooth Skin - OFF

  • White Balance - AUTO

  • White Balance Shift - R2 B0

  • Dynamic Range - DR400

  • D Range Priority - OFF

  • Tone Curve - H-2 S+1

  • Colour - 4

  • Sharpness - -2

  • Clarity - -2


Recipe 4 (Muted) - Moody, High Contrast, Low Dynamic Range, High Key, Cool

  • Film Simulation - Classic Chrome

  • Mono Colour - NA

  • Grain - STRONG LARGE

  • Colour Chrome - STRONG

  • Colour Chrome FX - STRONG

  • Smooth Skin - OFF

  • White Balance - AUTO

  • White Balance Shift - R1 B-1

  • Dynamic Range - DR400

  • D Range Priority - OFF

  • Tone Curve - H+2 S+1

  • Colour - 4

  • Sharpness - -2

  • Clarity - -2


Recipe 5 (B&W) - Filmic, Neutral Contrast, Neutral Dynamic Range, Soft, Warm

  • Film Simulation - ACROSS (STD)

  • Mono Colour - WC+2 MG0

  • Grain - STRONG LARGE

  • Colour Chrome - OFF

  • Colour Chrome FX - OFF

  • Smooth Skin - OFF

  • White Balance - AUTO

  • White Balance Shift - R0 B0

  • Dynamic Range - DR400

  • D Range Priority - OFF

  • Tone Curve - H+2 S+3

  • Colour - NA

  • Sharpness - -4

  • Clarity - -3

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