Must Have Fujifilm X100V / X100VI Accessories

The 100VI is a pretty complete package however there are some essential accessories I feel are required in order to get the most out of it and have the best time shooting. Please keep in mind this is simply my opinion based on my own use case and preferences.

Thumb Grip

The first must have accessory is a hot shoe mounted thumb grip. Due to the small size and lack of proper grip on the X100VI, I find that my hand starts to ache after a while. This is because I always have to grip the camera when holding it. With the XT5, I can slightly rest it on my fingers because it has a bigger grip meaning I’m not always actively gripping the camera. The thumb grip is a game changer and improves the ergonomics tenfold without adding any real bulk to the camera. Try it and you will never go back to an X100 without one. I personally use one made by SmallRig but it’s all the same stuff.

Lens Cover

One pet peeve I have with the X100V and X100VI is that they are marked as weather sealed but only if you buy an optional filter that seals the lens element. I’m sure there is an engineering compromise there but at least they should have included one in the box. The genuine Fujifilm filter is ugly and costs $100. Instead I opted for a filter / hood made by Haoge. It’s stylish and although it does stick out a little, it’s much nicer than the Fujifilm option. It also costs less than half the price. I think this is essential because it gives you peace of mind knowing that the lens element is sealed and protected. It also means you don’t need to carry the lens cap with you.

Wrist Strap

I always used a wrist strap because I physically can’t focus on photography without one and I feel like I will drop the camera. However as of this week, a wrist strap has become much more important.Time for a quick story…

While I was away I kept seeing videos of people getting their phones snatched in London by criminals on blacked out electric motocross bikes. They seem to be targeting Central London and will accelerate towards an unsuspecting victim, snatch their phone out of the hand and speed off. In most cases this happens so fast that the person hasn’t even realised what just happened and most passers by didn’t even notice. Well this nearly happened to me and my camera yesterday. I was walking through Mayfair, specifically Sloane Square. For those not familiar it’s one of the wealthiest parts of London (maybe even the wealthiest). Although I listen to music, I have my headphones on transparency mode so I can hear what’s around me. All of the sudden I heard a high pitched noise behind me (like an electric motor). Although I didn’t realise what it was, I randomly moved my hand (that was holding the camera) towards my chest. A second after that I heard a skidding noise and a guy on the bike flew past me with his handle bars being a coupe centimetres from me. He then proceeded to speed along the pavement weaving between people and disappeared. I suspect he went for my camera and as I moved my hand, he could no longer get it without cashing into me. Perhaps the sight of a wrist strap also put him off. Or perhaps I was not his potential victim and was just in the way.

I use peak design wrist straps if I want heavy duty or generic ones from Amazon for something lighter.  You can also use a neck strap if that’s something that you prefer.

Shutter Button

This is very personal however I sometimes find the original shutter button a little too flat and low. This is an easy fix because you can buy a variety of different shutter buttons that screw in and give you a raised profile. There are plenty on Amazon in all shapes, colours and sizes. The one you see below came with the camera however I’m sure there will the same one on Amazon.

Good SD Card

What’s the point of spending so much money on a camera to then use a cheap SD card. A corrupt memory card can ruin your day and given the X100 only has one slot, it’s a risk you really don’t want to take. I personally use Sony Tough cards in all my cameras. They’ve been faultless and give the added peace of mind by being weather sealed.

Spare Battery / Charger

This depends on how you use the camera. If you’re a power user, then I think having a spare battery is essential. If you’re a light user, then a power bank can recharge the camera pretty quickly. To be extra safe or for big days out, bring both.

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