Shoot Your Real Life

I remember when I first started taking an interest in photography, I’d go on social media and start finding other photographers who I can follow and perhaps even take inspiration from. While there was no shortage of photographers out there, I always felt like I couldn’t do what they do. Partly it wad due to skill but mostly it seemed that these people were always in incredible locations and would do more travelling in a month than I would in a whole year. I am not a jealous person however I remember thinking, if only I had that opportunity, my photos would be so much better and I would learn so much more.

At the time my life looked like everyone else’s. I lived just outside a major city, I had a 9-5, I didn’t have many holidays and certainly not much disposable cash. None of my friends were into photography, I didn’t have any presence on social media and the only way I felt somehow involved in the photography world was by spending hours watching others on YouTube. Eventually I realised that I wasn’t really doing anything productive and if I wanted to start photography, I’d have to just shoot the life I had at the time. So I grabbed the camera, jumped on a train and went for a walk round London.

Of course I came back with some truly horrific photos however I also came back with a promise to myself… to shoot my own real life. Regardless of whether that life was full of travels or a quiet life in the countryside. I promised myself to never look at others and wish I could have all the opportunities and travels they had. Instead I will document my life how I live it and what’s meant to happen will happen.

My camera has been to friends weddings, nights out, work trips, family trips, hikes, exotic locations far away, not so exotic locations not that far away and everything in between. If you go back through my instagram to the very first post and then scroll through to the present day, all you will get is a visual diary of my life. If you started following me within the last year, you’d probably think I’ve always lived this nomadic life. However in reality it is simply the current chapter. Who knows what will come after this. I am 32 right now. When I am 42 I might be a family man or I might be living on some tropical island selling coconuts, fixing bikes, hiking and surfing. Either way my camera will be by my side documenting everything that happens. Or AI will take over and destroy the earth. So grab your camera and document your life right now because you never know where it will take you.

Roman Fox