My 7 Income Streams (Digital Nomad Photographer)

One of the most common questions I get is how do I afford to do what I do. Specifically how can I afford to travel on a full time basis and make a living from street and travel photography.

In this blog, I will give you a high level overview in hopes that it can either answer this question or better yet inspire you to try and follow a similar path.

Nothing Is Overnight

The first thing I want to say is that nothing happens overnight. At least nothing substantial that will last a long time. Everything you’re about to read has been 5 years in the making from a business stand point and 10+ years from a creative one.


In the same way that you can’t out train a bad diet, you can’t out earn poor spending decisions. One of the major driving factors for my nomad life is the fact that I don’t have huge overheads and I live frugally. I don’t own or rent a home. I don’t have a car. I don’t have the maintenance bills that come with that too. My material possessions consist of clothes and camera gear. Most of that can fit into two backpacks. If I need anything from a bike to golf clubs, I rent. Of course this is not for everyone, but it is one way I substantially reduce my overheads.

Multiple Income Streams & Savings

Any creative endeavour is unstable at best. In order to protect yourself from the huge fluctuations you will need two things. Multiple income streams to average out your total and a healthy savings account. Between these two practices, you will have peace of mind with enough buffer to overcome any tough periods.

Income Model

The income model I will share below is of course easier if you have an online audience. However some aspects can be achieved without that such as freelance work and selling digital products using SEO and ads. Either way building a fanbase around your creative work is never a bad idea.

Income 1 - Digital Products

This is by far my favourite income source because it is something I have made with my own hands and it provides direct value to the consumer. My digital products consist of photo presets, camera guides, travel guides and digital magazines. The initial time to create a high quality product is substantial but once it’s done, there isn’t much work other than maintaining the accuracy of information and dealing with customer questions.

Income 2 - YouTube Adsense

This is what everyone thinks of when they think of making money from YouTube. Although it is passive income, so long that your videos get views, you can make a good amount of money. However it is very unpredictable and out of your control. With that said, under a consistent upload schedule, consistent views and a consistent type of video, you can have a rough idea what you will make each month.

Income 3 - YouTube Sponsorships

Once your YouTube channel has enough subscribers and views, you will get approached by brands offering sponsorships and products. You need to be very careful here because initially it is very tempting to say yes given the money. However the more you say yes, the less authentic you become. My rule of thumb is to only say yes to something I already use or something I plan on using assuming a positive trial period. Unless you have a contract for 6-12 months, this is an even more unstable income source. Some sponsors only want 1 video. Others want a block of 4. Some would want a longer term relationship. Either way, do not rush with this… it can sometimes do more harm than good.

Income 4 - Workshops & Tuition

Offering workshops and tuition is a great income source. Not only do you meet many great people but you are actively sharing your knowledge, helping someone else and spending time away from the screen (unless its online). Whenever I am in one location for a longer period of time, I would offer these services.

Income 5 - Freelance Photography

This is what most people think of when they hear “professional photographer” and this is the most basic way to make money from photography. A client hires you to take photos of an event, product, location etc. You show up, shoot, edit and deliver the photos to the client. The client then pays you. Although having online presence helps, I found that word of mouth could be an even bigger marketing tool.

Income 6 - Affiliate Marketing

This is probably the most passive income here. You simply link people to the products you use and if they buy that product, you will get a small commission. This is a very small income stream and probably the least reliable one. The Amazon affiliate program is by far the easiest one to start with.

Income 7 - Physical Products

I don’t sell physical products very often mostly due to my travel schedule however I have made prints before and plan on physical books in the future. Physical products come with more hassle, time commitment and overheads, hence are not suitable for those who are always on the road.

Income 8 - Random

Finally there are some random income sources such as speaking events, image licensing etc. These are very rare though.

BusinessRoman Fox