July 2023 Q&A


My 3 most useful tips for someone starting out.

  • Experiment with different types and genres of photography. Over time you will find what you naturally prefer. Use photography as a means to document your life. Always have a camera with you. Buy a good camera you like but spend most of your money on getting you and your camera in front of things you want to shoot. Having the best camera and no money to travel is not fun.

What is my favourite aspect of photography?

  • Documenting my life and maintaining a curious mind.

How long did it take for me to be proud of my photos?

  • I would say that after 3 years of taking it seriously I started to respect the progress and results. However I can’t say I am proud of any specific image. Instead I am proud of the overall archive I am creating.

Is the only solution to shooting overcast days B&W?

  • Not the only. I would also consider focusing on the details, finding colour and not trying to expose for the sky.

How do I motivate myself to shoot during dark grey winter days?

  • Well if the weather is overcast then I would focus on night time photography and take advantage of longer nights. Otherwise those are editing / work / chill days.

What places are on my wish list?

  • Japan, Iceland, Jordan, Sardinia, Sicily, Corsica & many more.

Do I think there are too many street photographers?

  • I am not sure there is such a thing. A bit like saying whether I think there are too many people who love going for a walk. Everyone is shooting to document their life and reality.

Some tips for night street photography?

  • Under expose by around -1 to -2 and look for good light sources.

Is it good to take a break from photography?

  • 100% yes. Like any endeavour sometimes too much of a good thing is not very good. Also we go through periods of work, rest and experimentation. If you don’t take time away and rest, you might start to struggle creatively and even burn out from a hobby.

How do I deal with bothering people for photos?

  • In most cases people in my photos are not the main subject. In many cases they are there to fill a space or add scale. So for me this is not something I think about too much. However if I want to take someone photo close up and I am unsure how they might react, I’d rather just ask first.

How do I get inspired to head out to shoot?

  • I never feel like I need to get inspired. Usually if I lack inspiration it is due to being burnt out and tired. Then my focus shifts on my health and resting which always brings that inspiration back.

Do I draw inspiration for my photography from movies?

  • In short, no. I am not a huge fan of movies, cinema or watching TV. I love the amateur nature of YouTube. It is by far the most inspirational for me.

How do I understand photography within the modern world of art… where do I find myself?

  • I don’t look at photography from an artistic perspective. It always was, is and will be a means for me to document my life and the world around me.

How often do I adjust the perspective in my photos to make verticals and horizontals straight?

  • 99% of the time.


What do you think about istanbul for photography?

  • Istanbul is probably my favourite destination for street / city photography thus far. There is just so much to see and explore. It can be overwhelming at least initially but overall it is great and I look forward to returning.

Where I am heading to next and what is on the travel plan?

  • Some of the next destinations in the plan are Malta, Spain and Japan.

Favourite time of the year for photography in London?

  • Autumn and spring.

Now that I have travelled a bit, has my attitude towards it changed?

  • Overall I now feel like the more I travel the more there is to be seen. A bit like the more you know, the more you realise how much you don’t know. The biggest attitude shift has been moving away from travelling to just “see” somewhere but travelling to learn more about the location, culture, people and myself.

How do I compare being at home for a couple months compared to being on the road?

  • I can’t really compare because when I am at home, I am mostly working, resting and catching up with family & friends. I think a healthy balance of the two is essential.

If I can only do one… 3 weeks in Scotland or 2 weeks in London?

  • 1000% 3 weeks in Scotland. It is far more interesting, beautiful and diverse. If you want a big city, start with Edinburgh. Then explore incredible scenery in the highlands and small fishing villages.


What is your favourite lens and body?

  • Fujifilm XH2s and the 33 f1.4 is an awesome combo.

Would I recommend the Fujifilm XT5 for product photography?

  • 100% yes especially due to the higher resolution.

Which 3 lenses would I recommend for the Fujifilm XT5?

  • It depends on your goals and budget. Personally I love my trio of primes - 18 1.4 33 1.4 and 90 f2.

Would you move to another system?

  • I am not a Fuji fanboy and I am always open to trying different systems if the need ever arises. However I am also not one for shopping around when I have something I am content and happy with. As it stands, the Fuji system does everything I would ever need from a camera. With that in mind, moving will be a total waste of time and money for insignificant gains at best.

Thoughts on Capture One vs Lightroom?

  • Both have their strengths and weaknesses. Capture One is a more comprehensive software and one I would pick for commercial or colour accurate work. Lightroom is more refined, efficient and in my opinion produces the most pleasant results.

What was my process for creating my film simulations?

  • A LOT of trial and error. Basically experimenting till I liked something. I kept a spreadsheet with all the settings and noted down any iterations that I liked. Over time refine it till you’re happy.

What would I substitute Classic Neg for in my recipes for older sensors?

  • Classic Chrome with a touch of warmth in the white balance shift.

When will the new camera guides be coming out?

  • By end of August 2023.

Do I see myself switching to JPEGs?

  • In short, no. I love editing and even though I love my new recipes, they are not a replacement for editing. The JPEGs for me are for when I just want to document something and not worry about creating. Also they are great for sharing as I go especially when travelling.

Which prime lens do I recommend for street photography?

  • The two main options are either a 35mm (23mm Fuji) or a 50mm (33mm Fuji). If you love to shoot scenes and environments, the 35 is great. If you prefer people and subjects, the 50 is the one I would chose.

Would you say it’s worth selling the XT4 for the XT5?

  • In short, no unless you have ample disposable income or you must have the very best Fuji AF system for video and face detection.

Getting my first Fujifilm camera in a few months, anything I should know?

  • Well this is a very broad question. I would say pick one that you love the look of the most. They all have pretty much the same internals when comparing oranges to oranges.

What video settings do I use?


What strategy do I recommend to live from photography excluding traditional freelance client work?

  • The basic principle of making money is providing value to someone else. Enough value that they are willing to part with their cash and pay you. In order to be in a position to provide that value, you need to have a skill or knowledge that others would want to acquire too. So my strategy would be to figure out what skill or knowledge you have and how you can share it. A good example is my London Guide that is one of the top selling products I make. I am selling my extensive knowledge on photography spots in London.

When working for a travel company, how do I decide which photos to take?

  • Usually they will have a brief and examples or a mood board. Outside of that I always approach it with wide (establishing), Medium (subject) and tight (detail).


Would I do any meet-ups?

  • At some point for sure. Not in the short term though. I am also unsure how to organise a meet-up. I am conscious of people spending their time attending thus would want to come up with a structure where everyone can get some value out of it.

What is the most important thing I consider when delivering my ideas on video?

  • Being clear, concise and delivering my message in the least time possible while using simple terms.

Do I have any daily rituals?

  • Do some kind of workout or movement. No single day should be spent idle.

What sneakers do I recommend for long walks?

  • I use Allbirds Tree Runners and love them.

PersonalRoman Fox