Which Fujifilm Camera To Get (XT3, XT4, XT5, XH2 or XH2s)

Intro, Scope & Context
Over the last few weeks I’ve been getting a bunch of questions regarding whether you should get an XT4 vs XT5 or an XT5 vs XH2. To answer all of these questions, I decided to put together this (hopefully) quick post and cover the main aspects. I will cover the XT3, XT4, XT5, XH2 and XH2s. Currently I own the XT5 and XH2s while I previously owned both the XT4 and XT3. I’ve never owned an XH2 however I did play around with it and given that it’s basically a mashup of the XT5 and XH2s, I am in a good enough position to give you my thoughts. Speaking of that, this is not a review. This blog is simply there to help you decide on which camera to look at. For context I’ve been using Fuji cameras since 2018 for all my photography and video. I do this full time and I mainly shoot street photography, travel and some nature. Therefore all the opinions here are based on actual real world use and not fucking around with a pre production model for a week.

Size & Weight
If size and weight is a huge factor for you, then hands down go for either the XT3, XT4 or XT5. The XT4 is a little bigger but not to the point where it would be a huge difference or something that you would notice. If you will not be travelling or hiking with your camera, the XH line of cameras may offer additional features but at a larger size. These cameras are noticeably bigger both in the hand and when you try to put them into slings or bags. However the extra bulk does come with benefits that might outweigh the size. Finally keep in mind that even small increases in size / weight might not feel too bad initially, however if you’re spending a long time with the camera round your neck, or in your hand, the little difference do add up.

There isn’t a clear winner here because they are all different and even my opinion changes on the use case. The XT cameras are better in the hand but that’s because I have small hands. However the moment you attach a big heavy lens like the 50-140 or even the 16-55, the extra grip of the XH wins out. Out of all the XT cameras, the XT5 does have the best grip in my opinion and when paired with one of the primes, it balances out well. If you have bigger hands however, the XH2 is for you. From the grip to even the joystick placement… it’s just more ergonomic. So if you mostly use primes and have smaller hands, go for the XT. If you have larger hands and use bigger lenses, go for the XH. Personally I prefer the XT5 however in some cases I would pick the XH2s especially if using bigger lenses.

Build Quality
The XH cameras do seem to have the best build quality which makes sense given they are flagship. Certainly comparing an XH2 to an XT5, there is a difference. The XH2 seems to use better quality materials and have more premium feeling buttons and dials. The XT3 and XT4 are comparable where’s the XT5 does feel like they downgrade the material choices a little bit. I can’t speak regarding the reliability on the XT5 and XH2s as I’ve only had them for a month or two however I can comment on the XT3 and XT4. Both of those have in general been reliable considering my heavy use case. However both cameras have failed times due water ingress from shooting in heavy rain and the XT4 had the top plate with the dials fail once. As fancy as the top dials are, they do seem like a weak point. So if I was going to shoot in extreme weather or very dirty environments, I would probably pick the XH2s.

In general there are only two key usability things to decide on. Do you want the old fashioned dials like on the XT or do you want a more modern and sleek layout like the XH? Secondly, do you want a flip out video screen or do you want a more compact articulating one? The traditional XT top dials are superior for photography but for hybrid or pure video work, the XH2 wins out. The little top screen on the XH is actually a lot more useful than I originally thought too. The flip out screen is only really essential if you are filming yourself. Other than that I definitely prefer the more compact articulating one like on the XT3 and XT5. If you need battery grips then all the cameras are good options apart from the XT5. Last but not least if battery life is critical to you, then the XT3 can’t really compete due to the smaller battery it uses. Personally I would pick the XT5 for photo work and the XH2s for hybrid or video work.

Photo Image Quality
This will upset some pixel peepers but honestly there isn’t that much between all these cameras. Sure the XT5 has a few more megapixels and the XH2s is faster and maybe a bit better in low light. Also, in general the XT5 and XH2s images do feel a little cleaner and punchier. But you really do need to zoom in and pay attention to notice anything. If you take a bunch of photos on the XT3 and mix them up with the XH2s and XT5 files, I don’t think you will ever pick out which was which. Personally I crop a lot so to me the extra resolution on the XT5 and XH2 is beneficial… but that’s about it.

Photo AF
As you’d expect the latest cameras have better autofocus. The XH2s is slightly quicker than the system on the XH2 and XT5 but not to the point where it would be the main purchasing decision. Saying that the XT3 and XT4 systems are both still very good. If you rely on the best AF and you really can’t afford to miss a moment, then the XH2s is the one to go for. If you want very good eye detect or even subject tracking, then the XT5 and XH2 is where you should look. If you mainly take photos for fun and shoot street, travel or nature, then any of these cameras will be more than good enough.

Photo Features
There is only one big feature to consider and that’s IBIS. Put simply if you don’t care about it, the XT3 is fine. If you know you will shoot at lower shutter speeds, with longer lenses or you have shaky hands, then any of the other cameras will do the job. Other features include more custom JPEG settings and film simulations however the core items will be across all cameras. The XH2 and XT5 both include the ability to stitch huge photos but that’s an extremely niche use case and won’t work for most people. If you want the best viewfinder, the XH2 and XH2s are the only cameras worth looking at. However if you want the best quality screen, then the XT5 takes that one. Personally, either the XT4 or the XT5 would be my choice here as the IBIS can be very useful in low light.

Video Image Quality
Unlike photography this is where in my opinion is a very clear winner and that is the XH2s. The footage has more dynamic range, is less digital and in general more cinematic. The 40mp sensor of the XT5 is great but I can still tell a difference between the two especially in high contrast scenarios. Does this write off the XT3 and XT4? Not at all and for most people they would be good enough. However if you want the best image possible, the XH2s is the one for you.

Video AF
Same as for photography, if you want the best video autofocus then the XH2s is the one for you. Saying that, both the XH2 and XT5 will be outstanding and a huge day and night step up from the XT4 and XT3. Don’t get me wrong the XT4 and XT3 video AF is acceptable. But it isn’t good. If you mostly plan to do photography with some video on the side, then the XT3 is good. If you want more focus on video with some AF, then the XT4 will be great. However if you rely on AF… I would suggest the newer cameras.

Video Features
This is where we start to see a bigger gap between the XT and XH line. Put simply the XH cameras have more video centric features. However those features will only really be beneficial to those who take their video extremely seriously or make money from it. The XH2s will give you open gate 6k, faster readout and 4k120. Where’s the XH2 will give you 8k but with more rolling shutter. So if you’re outdoor run and gun with a lot of motion, look at the XH2s. If you’re an indoor studio with little motion or need max resolution, look at the XH2. Both of the XH cameras will give you an option to shoot in ProRes. ProRes is a dream to edit but will eat all your storage. The XH cameras also give you full ports for HDMI and headphones. Finally the cameras can now also use different photometry modes in video which helps with exposure. The XT5 still gets 6k at a lower quality and photometry however skips on all the other features. Personally the XH2s for me is my choice but that’s only because I make money from making videos… so it makes sense. However if none of these features here matter to you, and you still want to do video, I’d say look at the XT4.

Other small things
A few other small differences to keep in mind. The XT cameras use dual SD card slots while the XH use one SD and one CF. The CF allows for faster speeds and ProRes but comes with extra cost and hassle. The XT5 and XH2 cameras have other small improvements such as more custom menu options and a general speed boost when it comes to usability and navigating the menus, changing settings etc. Finally it’s all about the use case. If you want to shoot in busy cities, then having a smaller more discreet system will make your life easier. However if you’re a wildlife shooter and spend all day with a giant lens on the body, then the XH will be better suited for that.

Cost & Value
Now let’s talk about cost and value. Right now the best value for money all round system in my opinion is a used XT4. You can pick one up at around £1000 or less for a great example thus saving over £500. Although the XT3 can be found for around £300 less, you do miss out on better battery life, IBIS and better grip. However if you have no interest in video or the features I just mentioned, then the XT3 is probably the way to go. If you want one of the new systems, the best value for money will come from the XH2. It’s only a fraction more than the XT5 yet you get more features, better build and for most people better economics too. However keep in mind to factor in a CF card into the price. However if you shop around they don’t have to break the bank. The XT5 and XH2s in my opinion are not the best value for money unless you rely on them for income. Of course if you’re loaded, then just get whatever you want.

Which should you get

  • If you are on an extremely tight budget, don’t get any of these. Get an XT2.

  • If your main focus is photography and you don’t take photos of sports, wildlife or any paying client work, then get an XT3 or XT5.

  • If your main focus is photography yet you want to shoot the things I mentioned, get the XT5 or XH2.

  • If you’re a die hard sports or wildlife photographer or your income depends on it, go for the XH2s.

  • If you’re a video or hybrid shooter, and you do it as a hobby get an XT4.

  • If however you want to take it more seriously, then an XH2 should be on your radar.

  • If you want the best video quality out of a fuji, and you make money from video, get an XH2s

  • Finally if you want the best this system has to offer, get an XH2s and an XT5.

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