Sunset Through The London Eye
Towards the end of December if you head to St Pauls Cathedral, go all the way to the rooftop (the very top tiny one) and get ready for an awesome sunset.
A few points to keep in mind to make you visit as successful as possible:
Ideally you want to only attempt in the last half of December to get the best chance - all of these were taken on 30th December.
You need a fairly clean sunset (obviously) - some high clouds are ok to add mood.
St Pauls viewing platform only open weekdays (in 2019 but if you’re reading this in 2048 please double check) & costs a few pounds to get in.
You need to be inside by 1430 max (the queue can get lengthy especially on sunny days).
Sunset is usually at 1600 but check on the day.
You will have some time to explore inside (which can look cool with sunlight coming in).
For the sunset itself you need to go to the very top platform….there is not much space there so be ready with whatever lens you decide to use before.
The guide will push you around as quick as possible if it is busy. Just before getting to the very last set of stars is a small waiting area. If you are early, wait there till about 10 minutes before sunset then go up. If it is not busy at all, then don’t worry too much.
If you at every early, then you can stay at the lower platform and get some nice close ups of buildings etc.
Finally after the sun has set, go to the opposite side of the viewing platform for some amazing purple colours in the sky and buildings.